Hi! I’m Gaelle, a Belgian-born, cookie-loving world-traveller. I entered the yachting industry in 2012 as a Sole Stew/Crew Cook on a Caribbean-based classic Sailing Yacht and never looked back…
Though I am from a fairly land-locked country (with the exception of a 65km North Sea coastline), my family has always been into boats and I remember many a wonderful holiday in the South of Spain and Croatia motoring from anchorage to anchorage.
When I went off to university and started #adulting, I lost touch with the sea and only accidentally ended up on a yacht when a friend mentioned her son was working on one and they desperately needed someone to cook for the crew. I thought to myself, “how hard can it be to scramble a few eggs and feed ten or-so people?” and off I went with my Jamie Oliver cooking books.
Well… It was a very steep learning curve! I somehow survived the summer, went home to do some courses and joined my first proper yacht in Antibes in the spring of 2013. Since then I obtained a whole lot of “tickets” as we like to call them on yachts (aka diplomas and certificates), sailed three quarters of the world (never made it to the Seychelles unfortunately) and finally decided to put down some roots in Spain in Summer 2022.
Having always helped out my fellow crew and captains onboard with their life and yachting admin, I decided to continue to do the same ashore. And so here I am – offering to assist you with The Crew Consultant services.